
CX_ACCESS - Communication


Class hierarchy
Description:(Business Pattern)

Accesses control the communication with real objects. This means that a connection is established via them. For example, a (street) address represents the connection to a person or a company. Each access is subordinated to one of the following areas:

Area Class
Addresses CX_ADDRESS
Geographical position CX_GEOGRAPHIC_POSITION
Telecommunications CX_TELECOM
Bank details CX_MONEY_ACCESS

This class cannot be used by itself and has neither functions nor data fields.

CX_ACCESS describes the real possibilities to connect to (essentially) CX_PARTNER objects. This includes, for example, addresses, telephone numbers, but also bank details.

In the data field objects CX_ACCESS holds the relations to (among others) the CX_PARTNER objects, different CX_PARTNER objects can therefore have the same access (e.g. same address of two affiliated companies).

The CX_PARTNER objects in turn have access to the reference list. The same CX_PARTNER object can have different access options: e.g. different addresses (further specified via CX_WRAPPER and slot addressTypeEnum), different telephone numbers and bank details.

As CX_REAL_OBJECT (with the exception of CX_CURRENT_ACCOUNT::directDebiting) only CX_PARTNER objects have fixed access descriptions. Other CX_REAL-OBJECT objects such as CX_ITEM have only an indirect indication of their (storage) location via CX_STOCK.

CX_ACCESS objects are also used by CX_CLEARING_OBJECT objects, such as CX_STOCK and CX_WORK_STATION.

Use in AppsWH
Module Brief description
access.mod Communications base module
accessc.mod Partner function communications basic module
bank.mod Bench basic module
bankedt.mod Bank editing module
banksel.mod Bank selection module
customer.mod Customer base module
custoedt.mod Customer editing module
custosel.mod Customer selection module
cyber.mod Client basic module
cyberedt.mod Client editing module
cybersel.mod Client selection module
flextime.mod Flexitime basic module
flextedt.mod Flexitime editing module
flextsel.mod Flexitime selection module
forwardr.mod Forwarder basic module
forwaedt.mod Forwarding Agent Editing Module
forwasel.mod Forwarding agent selection module
manufact.mod Manufacturer base module
manufedt.mod Manufacturer editing module
manufsel.mod Manufacturer selection module
potpartn.mod Prospective buyer basic module
potpaedt.mod Interested party Editing module
potpasel.mod Interested party selection module
press.mod Publisher Basic Module
pressedt.mod Publisher Editing Module
press.mod Publisher selection module
representations.mod Representative basic module
repreedt.mod Representative editing module
represel.mod Representative selection module
supplier.mod Suppliers base module
suppledt.mod Supplier editing module
supplsel.mod Supplier selection module
accessp.mod Partner communication basic module
partner.mod Partner basic module
partnerc.mod Company Basic module
partnedc.mod Company Editing Module
partnsec.mod Company selection module
partnerp.mod Person basic module
partnedp.mod People editing module
partnsep.mod Person partner selection module
partnsel.mod Partner selection module
taxauth.mod Tax office basic module
taxaedt.mod Tax office editing module
taxasel.mod Tax office selection module